e are on a mission to keep used kids’ clothes out of the garbage and in the closets of families in our community.

“Buy less, choose well, make it last.” – Vivienne Westwood

The good news is that there is an incredibly easy way that every one of us can make an impact, no game-changing innovation or policy needed – buy less new clothing. When we keep clothing in use longer, instead of buying new, it reduces emissions, water use, and pollution. 

For parents of young kids, simply buying less is trickier as kids change sizes frequently. This is where the secondhand market comes in. It allows us to, collectively, keep clothing in use in our community longer. 

“Waste isn’t waste until we waste it.” – WILL.I.AM

But let’s face it, secondhand has a bad rep; it is too often seen as being cheap, of lesser quality, a hassle, and maybe even a bit dodgy. Convincing parents to buy pre-loved clothes for little ones requires a seismic shift in how we experience shopping for used kids clothes.