At NewsWare, we know that News moves the markets — and News is our business!


NewsWare is Wall Street’s oldest, most trusted name in news. For more than 20 years, institutional, professional and retail traders have relied on NewsWare for fast, accurate and reliable News content. We are dedicated to delivering up-to-the-minute News in a variety of formats that are displayed and organized to your specific needs. Our organization is constantly working on new and innovative methodologies to bring the News to you faster and in alternative formats to give financial professionals the competitive edge they need.


The Team

NewsWare applications are designed and built by a team of developers who know the world of trading and have extensive experience with trading applications. The team has been working together for over 20 years, developing sophisticated and innovative products designed specifically to facilitate the needs of today’s traders.


News Sources

News is time-sensitive and knowing it first can give you your competitive edge. NewsWare specializes in bringing you the News — as soon as it hits the Newswires. Our news content comes directly from the leading News organizations; such as Dow Jones and First Call, and from all of the major press release organizations.


Our organization is continually updating and redeveloping our delivery methods with a clear goal to ensure that the investment professional has the ability to react faster to breaking news events. Our current data delivery methods utilize data compression techniques used in algorithmic trading with no latency or loss of data. NewsWare offers an array of customized alerting techniques to access and organize News content in the way best suited to match your trading style. NewsWare has consistently been the industry leader in bringing innovative news alerting techniques to the market. Moreover, our choice of delivery formats allows you to use our News in your existing trading environment.


NewsWare — For those who must know FIRST.